janinebeangallery at Scope New York 2011 Booth A62
March 2nd - March 6th 2011
Anna Borowy "Sicht und Schein" November 27th 2010 - January 22nd 2011 Anna Borowy’s motifs are primarily human characters and moments, depicted portrait-style and manifesting particular events. The reduced appliance of outlines and forms connects the figures with the backgrounds and accompanied diaphane images of animals. The apparent youth and grace of the potrayed are distorted by flawy structures and sinister traits.
For the two sculptures featured in this show Anna Borowy cooperated with the American artist Juan Balandran (Red Rooster).
"Sicht und Schein"
opening reception: November 26th 2010
exhibition: November 27th 2010 - January 22nd 2011
janinebeangallery * torstraße 154 * 10115 berlin
Don't miss!
OPEN WEEKEND October 9. - 10. 2010 GALERIEN BERLIN MITTE - 11 - 7 h http://www.galerien-berlin-mitt...e.de/
- janinebeangallery present Tanja Selzer "Gib mir dein Rot" / Two
Window Project present Klaas Bosch - join us for HERBSTBOWLE and great
art! janinebeangallery / Two Window Project, Torstrasse 154, 10115
Erleben Sie Zur Eröffnung der neuen Kunstsaison und anlässlich des 100.
Geburtstages der Prädikatsweingüter (VDP) einen nie vorher
dagewesenen sinnlichen Dialog zwischen Wein und Kunst. In über 70 der
interessantesten Galerien der Stadt kann man sich mit den neusten
Trends der internationalen Kunstszene auseinandersetzen und dabei durch den Genuss der Spitzenweine - vom Gutswein bis zum Großen Gewächs - von den Deutschen unter den besten Weingütern der Welt ganz neue sinnliche Erfahrungen machen. Flanieren Sie zwischen den Galerien oder nehmen Sie einen der Sonderbusse. Spazieren Sie„auf eigene Faust“ los oder lassen Sie sich von einem Sommelier oder Art-Guide in die Geheimnisse von Kunst und Wein einweihen.
Lernen Sie in einem multisensorischen Verkostungsparcours, wie man Wein probiert und am besten genießt.
Anfänger sind allerorten genauso willkommen, wie Profis. Am Startpunkt
Kolonnadenhof laden die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin an diesem Tag in
ihre Sammlungen auf der Museumsinsel (Freier Eintritt - mit Ausnahme
der Neuen Galerie).
Für alle wird es eine neue unvergessliche Erfahrung, die es in dieser
Form und Größe noch nie gegeben hat.
FLYER unter: http://janinebeangallery.com/pdfs/Leporello%20Kunst%20und%20Wein%202010.pdf
Weitere Informationen unter: vdp.de
Karten erhalten Sie an fast allen Berliner Vorverkaufsstellen oder unter www.eventim.de
(Stichwort vdp) Im Vorverkauf kosten die Karten ca. 30,- € An der Tageskasse 35,- €
Tanja Selzer - Gib mir dein Rot (Give Me Your Red) Opening reception: September 3rd, 6 - 9 pm at 9 pm "wenn der Wind voller Weltraum" ("if the wind is full of infinity") for flute and computergenerated sounds world premiere of this new piece live performed by Kornelia Timm composer: Stefan Lischewski
at janinebeangallery Berlin
Tanja Selzer - Gib mir dein Rot (Give Me Your Red)
Opening reception: September 3rd, 6 - 9 pm
at 9 pm
"wenn der Wind voller Weltraum" ("if the wind is full of infinity") for flute and computergenerated sounds
world premiere of this new piece live performed by Kornelia Timm
composer: Stefan Lischewski
The janinebeangallery present new works by Tanja Selzer from September 4th to October 16th 2010.
Tanja Selzer draws her motifs from the daily media-related flood of images as components of human seceneries, figures in wild natural spectacles or single persons and animals infront of or inside a natural background. She changes these images by composition, shift of colour and an ease of paint application, so they appear in the guise of a pretended, mostly idyllic scene.
In the works of the exhibition „Gib mir dein Rot“ („Give me your red“) Selzer additionally emphasizes the dynamics of her nature-bound protagonists and spectacles to the point of fight-like confrontations and compositions. The idyllic backgrounds remain perceptible as bearings for the image as a whole but are not only contrasted by the drastic actions in the foreground but also are stirred up and involved into it. The alternating depiction of humans and animals or also their interactions are an expression of their mirror-symmetric anima. Selzer stages this without psychologic abstractions but with the genuine intensity of a direct line to the source of fables and tempers.
The title „Gib mir dein Rot“ is like the sources of motifs for Tanja Selzer a citation, taken from the daily media stream. The demanded red is meant here alongside all associative potential as an immediate entity and force of color.
opening reception: July 9th...janinebeangallery Berlin
current show:
opening reception: July 09th 6-10 pm
July 10th to August 28th 2010
Christopher Eymann, Donata Benker,Julia Bulik,Hyuna Kim, Simone Isenegger and special guest Peggy Schoenegge and Zachary Thornton
Please contact the gallery for press textes or images.
Founded in 2004, the janinebeangallery is a gallery for young contemporary fine art.